
Mandarin on Monday

Tiānshēng wǒ cái, bì yǒuyòng.


I have chosen a photo taken in Naha, Okinawa of a fruit seller having a conversation with a customer.

If God created me, then there must be some value in me. In other words, surely I am of some use. While I find my destiny, or someone who appreciates my skills, in the meantime, let’s drink and be merry.

The poem is written by famous Tang Poet Li Bo, lamenting that his talent was not appreciated by the Emperor of his day. Yet it is not a pessimistic poem in that he was drowning his sorrow but enjoying the company of life and friends and its pleasure. An upbeat poem on the brevity of life. Li Bo (李白) and Tu Fu (杜甫) are regarded as the two literary “saints” of Chinese poetry.

天生我材必有用, 出自李白的《将进酒》。意思是:每个人的出生都一定有自己的价值和意义。



If you are interested in the rest of the poem:

jī bù kě shī, shí bú zài lái
Opportunity knocks at the door only once.


Taken near Swan Lake road on way to Garang Grill. Facade of building with old doors.

Perhaps it is the rain. I am affected by different emotions. Hope with the new year. New beginnings and new possibilities.

Sadness that yesteryear has passed. My father’s sister has just passed away and he will fly into Bangkok today to attend her wake. This sister was separated from the family for years, trapped in China during the Cultural Revolution and couldn’t return.

One consolation is that he visited her last year. All the family drama no longer important. Or are we still haunted by ghosts of the past.

What does “opportunity knock but once” mean for you?

An investment opportunity.
A career
A promise

The days are long, but the years are short. I read that on Gretchen Rubin’s blog post.

I have stopped making New Year’s Resolution for many years. Eight to be exact. I am beginning to realise that despite not achieving what you set out to do, New Year’s resolutions have merit in goal setting.

What is that one thing you like 2018 to be remembered for?

Just one thing. Himself said that for him it is making the bed every morning. “You should tidy your work table”, he offered. As my New Year’s Resolution.

That should do for now.

5 mins a day

Pick up 2 different skills

2 different something. One year I learned cycling. Posted a blog. Last year I joined Chinese Toastmasters. I want to spend more time with my mom and not mind so much when she talks during service competing with the pastor’s sermon.

What are 2 different experiences/ skills that you will pick up this year?
Photo taken at Hiji Falls, Okinawa, 2017

We wont carry anything with us when we leave this earth but we deposit memories in someone’s life.

No man enters the same river twice. He is not the same man, and it is not the same river. -Heraclitus


Constant effort brings success

The quote means that water droplets can wear through rocks.

Do not be discouraged if your effort seems weak, small and feeble.


Visiting limestone caves of stalagmites and stalactites is a good reminder that they were created from.deposits of droplets of water. Similarly valleys are created when the caves collapse through change in direction of water flows.


Here, I am in the Valley of Gangala in Okinawa, Japan

A quote mom used to teach me.

“Little drops of water, little drops of sand,
Makes a mighty ocean and a pleasant land ” or is it a pleasant man?

Happy New Year 2018!

Chuàngyè nán, shǒuyè gèng nán

Difficult to start a business, its even more difficult to maintain it.

What do film and cosmetics have in common?
Fujifilm survived the digital age with an unexpected makeover. The same technology used to innovate on chemicals like collagen/pigments for film and photography allowed them to apply on researching skincare.
They now have a line called Astalift!
In some counters, it is next to the Shisedo and Kose counters.

“The will to make such drastic changes and adapt quickly to seismic market disruption allow Fujifilm to still be a player, even as rival Kodak became bankrupt in 2012. Diversification is the name of the game. Although, still within the core line of business, and using synergies of the expertise of one’s business.

Are you afraid of disruption?
Take stock of your skills. Kaizen, comes from a Chinese word meaning constant improvement. In today’s fast changing world, can we rest on our laurels?

Constant innovation, constant improvement.

As we move into the New Year, what new skills do you want to pick up?

What growing areas or industries/ trends can your skills be transferred?

Read more at:

Photo credit: M from COOS

lín yuān xiàn yú,bù rú tuì ér jié wǎng
《汉书·董仲书传》《han shū · dǒng zhòng shū zhuàn 》

Rather than admire the abundance of fish [opportunities in front] of the lake, why not retreat to sew your net [to catch the fish].

This proverb was used as a parable from 董仲舒, a politician and a philosopher, who warned the Han emperor to use systematic/benevolent manner to govern a country.

Its about goals and process. Does the goal justify the means/process? While having a grand goal is important, the how to accomplish is equally important.
Otherwise it is akin to “building castles in the air”, an illusion.




Source of mandarin write-up

Xuérú nìshuǐxíngzhōu, bù jìn zé tuì
Learning is like rowing a boat against the tide, not advancing will subject one to slide backwards.


Have you experienced Monday blues? I did. Often a toxic co-worker shouts an insult and our head mulls over retorts.

After wasting 8hrs searching out social media, I decided that I shall think about whatever is noble, whatever is good to improve my Mandarin with proverbs on Mondays.

Indeed, even though I have learnt Mandarin in school and worked in Taiwan for 3 years, I have difficulty holding a sentence today.

Surprisingly with language, one loses it when not used. Same goes for my French and Japanese. At least I use some Japanese during my travels to Japan.

中国有个成语: 宝剑锋从磨砺出, 梅花香自苦寒来。



My wine carrier with plum blossoms

There is a saying in Chinese that the fragrance of the plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold of winter.

Most farmers will tell you that chilling hours are required for temperate fruits like grapes, cherries or peaches. Some need 150 chilling hours like grapes, others need as much as 800 hours. (Vernalisation)

When minimum chill time is not met, there is reduced fruit set and fruit quality.

While I may not like winter, I will remember the fruits that come as a result. That’s why plum blossom is a symbol found on many chinese paintings.

Remember the plum blossoms which bloom in winter.

What Are Chilling Hours and Why Are They Important?

歇后语xiehouyu are two part sayings. The first part is a riddle, puzzle or reference to story or history and the second part, sometimes not expressed, is the meaning.
Photos by me. Taken at the Gardens by the Bay 2017

Top of the rooster’s head is a piece of meat. More or less its an official position

Rooster lay eggs- wild wish


Chase ducks up the pole – will is there but difficult to carry out. Like herding cats.

鹅吃草, 鸭吃谷
Geese eat grass, duck eat oats. Each enjoy what it likes.

Scalding chicken in lukewarm/cold water. Not a feather can be removed. That is, very stingy.

Asking guests whether to slaughter a chicken for their meal. Hypocritical show of hospitality. (That is, if you are generous you would have done it. Usually guests in Chinese culture are obliged to say no.)

Two stories about animals


Story in “Analect” records that one day, Confucius’ horse stable caught fire. Instead of asking about the horses, he asked if everyone was alright, anyone hurt. Although horses were precious asset, more valuable than the lives of his stable hands and servants, he demonstrated that he considered, human lives more important. (I am sure that Confucius was attached to his horses too.)

bǐng jí wèn niú

Another parallel story in Analects is about a cow. Premier BingJi asking about the cow.


One day while travelling through the villages to survey how his citizens were living, Bingji saw a few men fighting. Yet he did not intervene.

Later in his journeys he saw a sick cow and send his attendants to enquire about the condition of the cow.

Surprised, his attendants asked why he was more concerned about a cow than humans. Bingji explained that he did not interfere in the matter of the men fighting because that was the jurisdiction of the local authorities.

However, the sick cow may signal an unexpected weather change or epidemic that could affect the harvest and the livelihood of the peoples under his charge (China was predominantly an agriculture country in those days.)

When we lead and manage corporations and nations, do we value our employees more than the balance sheet?

Money is important and all nations and companies need to stay afloat and excel. Shareholder returns are important. Digitalisation of the economy is for the ease of lives. Not the enslavement of another human being.

Disruptive technology has worked in a large part to capture shareholder value but at the same time remove certainty of employment and other benefits to the owner of labor.

Will disruptive technology also disrupt the dignity of labor? And instead reduce the price of labor to the constant haggling we see in markets of third world nations? (We call that demand and supply to sound more posh.) Will it lead to the enslavement of one group of people with another group.

But in the deepest of hearts, do we sometimes forget that people are not tools for our purpose.

When we look at the balance sheet of a successful company, do we ask how they treat the workers of production ?

Upgrading of skills, salary. Do they disrupt without creating value for families and homes? Do we measure success from only the view point of shareholder returns?

Chinese is a very rich language filled with idiomatic sayings.

歇后语xiehouyu are two part sayings. The first part is a riddle, puzzle or reference to story or history and the second part, sometimes not expressed, is the meaning.

I shall list a few all associated with kitchen utensils.

rè guō shàng de mǎ yǐ     –

anxious, like ants on a hot wok

Dǎ fān de wǔwèi píng –
心里有 酸 甜 苦 辣 咸 的滋味

很难受 不舒服的感觉
Knock over the 5 flavours bottle – mixed feelings, mostly unpleasant

Dàlǐshí yā xiáncài gāng –
Use marble vessel to ferment preserved vegetable – waste of talent or wrong use of talent

Chǎocài de sháozi –
The spoon used for cooking has tasted all flavours – and all life’s experiences, the happy, sad, bitter and painful.