
Mandarin on Monday

















猪笼入水 means money come in all 4 directions. 猪笼 refers to the cyclindral basket. (Also refers to the Nepenthes plant).

Pig cage in water

“Pig cages inwater” is a metaphor for wealth. Because the pig cage is empty and submerged in water, water enters cage. “water” refers to finance. “Pig cage in water” is a wish for good luck.

A pig cage is made to conveniently transport pigs. Made of bamboo rafts, it has a cylindrical shape, and is mesh shaped. The mesh opening is quite large with one end open. 

When the cages are submerged in water, water is poured into the cages. Because Cantonese people like to use water to describe fortune, “pig cages in water” is often used to describe a person’s wealth, and wealth comes from all directions. 

Used often by Hong Kong media to describe an artist, in film, advertising, best-selling albums, and concerts, it is really a “pig cage into the water.”

Not very kosher, but we are celebrating the year of the pig in 2019.

Words to greet someone this Chinese New Year –


种瓜得瓜 Sow what you reap
By 丰子恺 Feng ZiKai

Chinese ink painting
Singapore National Gallery

Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains. Steve Jobs

Jack Ma: The world is not about what you can do, but what you ought to do.
马云:世界不是因为你能做什么,而是你该做什么. Book by 丁翔


1. 临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。
lín yuān xiàn yú,bù rú tuì ér jié wǎng
《汉书·董仲书传》《han shū · dǒng zhòng shū zhuàn 》

Rather than admire the abundance of fish [opportunities in front] of the lake, why not retreat to sew your net [to catch the fish].

This proverb was used as a parable from 董仲舒, a politician and a philosopher, who warned the emperor to use systematic manner to govern a country.

Does having a grandeur vision or goal justify the means/process? While having a grand goal is important, the “how to” accomplish is equally important.
Otherwise, is it not like “building castles in the air”, an illusion.

This proverb is a useful reminder not to fixate too much on our goals but work also on strategies. Strategies need to be revised, irrelevant ones discarded and opportune ones devised to adapt to changing trends.



Source of Chinese meaning from

Stuck with small talk this Chinese New Year or don’t know what auspicious words to greet your host?

This week’s Mandarin on Mondays, I’d like to introduce auspicious words and symbols.

My favourite red packet envelope in order.

1. Microsoft


The Dog is considered a lucky animal by Chinese. A stray dog wandering into one’s home symbolise fortune is coming.

A dog’s bark symbolise fortune coming. How do dogs bark in your culture? Chinese dogs bark “wang wang” 旺旺 – same sound as fortune coming.

Wish you prosperity during Year of Dog. 祝你狗年旺旺旺。

2. Seletar Aerospace Park


Anything bound for flight. Flying birds, aeroplanes.

Wish you promotion.
祝你 – 飞黄腾达
步步高升 (bù bù gāo shēng): May you rise steadily (at work).
平步青云 (píng bù qīng yún): May you rise rapidly in the world (social status or career).


3. Sun Yatsen Museum


Bat (蝙蝠 – biānfú) – longevity, happiness, good luck (the Chinese word for bat, “蝠” (fú) sounds like the word for good fortune

Here, there are Five Blessings, bat, cloud, pomegranate, peony (a long life, riches, health, love of virtue and a natural death). 五福临门。

4. Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum


Which has a fabulous collection of crabs.

螃蟹 pangxie – Crab symbolise promotion in social status because crabs like to crawl. Shell of Crab 甲 jia represents being top in exams. Xie sounds like harmony 协 xie as in 合心协力.

5. Public Utilities Board

With their iconic Water Wally reminding us of the importance of Water. Running Water symbolise wealth.



Why you need to learn mandarin and not trust google translate. One wonders about the Tamil translation.

Small change unavailable here(此处无小额零钱可兑换)”则译成了“小的更改无法在这里”。Change in this context refers to coins for the ticket vending machine. Whereas if you had used google translate, it will use “change” as in “improve”, ie “make changes to”.

Good intentions to appeal to a multiracial group need #mindfulness# in execution.



zǐ yuē:“wú shí yǒu wǔ ér zhì yú xué,sān shí ér lì,sì shí ér bú huò,wǔ shí ér zhī tiān mìng,liù shí ér ěr shùn,qī shí ér cóng xīn suǒ yù,bù yú jǔ。”《lùn yǔ》


Humans go through physiological life stages from baby to child to teenager then to old age. What about psychological life stages?

Here, I would like to share the life stages presented by Confucius, and it puts into perspective the advice given by Chinese entrepreneur Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba.

The best interpretation, or one that helped me make sense of Confucius’ saying is this post on the following site:
(I do not vouch for the site)

Confucius says,

“When I was fifteen, I started on my pursuit of life’s path/ career (being open to questioning and devote in finding my path);

(After many years of hard work)
when I was thirty, my understanding of life, my path was set firmly;

when I was forty, I no longer doubt my life decisions (my career path is set);

when I was fifty, my inner and outer world finds alignment. I have found (act out) my mission in life. I practice what I preach (No mid life crisis here) 五十而知天命.

when I was sixty, I realised that life is complex and I begin to accept – the positive and the negative views – and not be upset;

when I was seventy, I had the freedom to do whatever my heart desires, within the rules of this world [that I have observed throughout all of my life].”

Examining Confucius, I realised that Jack Ma’s sayings are built on philosophical foundations, just like in the Western world if you quote Socrates.

What Jack Ma says (probably building on the sayings of Confuscius) :

“When you are 20 to 30 years old, you should follow a good boss [and] join a good company to learn how to do things properly,” Ma said. (Learn as much as you can.)

“When you are 30 to 40 years old, if you want to do something yourself, just do it. You still can afford to lose, to fail,”

“When you’re 40 to 50 years old, my suggestion is you should do things you are good at.” Instead of diving into a new field or subject toward the later years in your career.

“When you are 50 to 60 years old, spend time training and developing young people, the next generation,” Ma added.

“When you are over 60 years old, you better stay with your grandchildren.”


This coming year is the year of the dog. I am scratching my head because a dog’s life isn’t exactly the nicest wish on someone.

I had some help from the internet and indeed there are lots of well wishes.


Photo: I am using the picture of a shisa, a mythical lion-dog from my trip in Naha, Okinawa.

From the bark of a dog that sounds like prosperity.


Gǒu nián wàngwàng wàng
Wish you a prosperous year of the dog

Shí quán shí měi
Wish you perfection and beauty in everything

犬 is another word for dog and sounds like 全 meaning complete.

I am a little late on my Mandarin on Mondays this week. Been hectic.